In April, Marsha Blackburn sold off our Internet privacy. Now she wants to censor your Internet.

Tell Marsha Blackburn:

You can't hide from your constituents. We know you're supporting the FCC's attack on free speech to please the cable & cellphone companies who've donated to your campaign.

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What's happening

Marsha Blackburn has taken nearly $600,000 in campaign contributions from giant mainstream media and telecom companies like Comcast -- who own MSNBC -- in exchange for supporting their policies pushing for more Internet censorship, price gouging for consumers, and the ability to control what we can see and do on the web. Earlier this year, she sponsored a disturbingly sleazy bill to let Internet providers to sell our web browsing history to advertisers without our permission. Now, she’s supporting the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) plan to kill online free speech by letting Internet providers block or slow down entire websites while speeding up their own content. If this plan passes and net neutrality dies, liberal groups could pressure sympathetic companies like Comcast and AT&T to slow or censor any conservative website. It would be a disaster for freedom of expression. Add your name to tell her she won’t get away with it.